Preparing for a Glaze kiln!
I have been in the studio for the past couple of days, just a few hours on and off, getting stuff glazed for a kiln to be loaded on Sunday. I usually need 2 days for this endeavor, right now i've given myself 4-5 days!!! which is good cos actually after about an hour and a half my back feels pretty bad!
I guess my decision to start moving forward with some treatment and or investigation plan has worked! I saw my GP on Thursday, she called the radiology department at the hospital (she had put in an MRI requisition 3 weeks ago!) to expedite the process....and low and behold they had a cancellation so i go for an MRI this evening at 8.15 pm!!! Doing everything i can to stay positive and not let myself get freaked far so good! Keep your fingers etc., crossed for me ok!!!
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