Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael


Still no rain!!  And far too hot to work outside.  

I've just found out that as a member of the RHS, I get into Monteviot Garden for free on a Friday. It's just down the road. So off we went. 

We saw lots of innovations since we were last there, about ten years ago. 

The interestingly named 'Garden of Persistent Imagination' is one - that's part of it above. It also includes a sundial-like stone circle, and two Dali-esque bendy clock-faces. The water gardens have been extended, and a nice shady area established.  We lingered a long time in there.  

On the way out we had a chat with the Head Gardener. It was interesting to hear what he had to say about caring for such a place.  Hedge-cutting and leaf-clearing are the most time-consuming tasks, apparently.  TM nodded, he thinks so too. 

He also mentioned that his wife has an ice-cream parlour in the craft courtyard just along the road.  We just had to go and try it out.  My cornet was excellent, and generous - and I nearly managed to finish it before it turned totally liquid.

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday. Looking for a shot for it is always a pleasure.

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