Jasper Vs. The Kitchen Cupboard

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

If you thought I was joking about Jasper turning the kitchen upside down in search of kitty treats yesterday, so did I.

Then the texts started coming through from Cazza.

What you are looking at above is just some of them. I had put the treats in the cupboard above the oven. Where I thought they would be safe. 

As you can see from picture #1, Jasper located them with no problem. But how to get at them? How? How?

He worked out the cunning strategy of "howling like an effing bloody thing" for the best part of thirty minutes. In picture #2 you can see him looking at Cazza, somewhat perplexed.

Obviously, she cracked. There is only so much of a cat doing an impression of an emergency siren that you can take. So picture #3 sees him happy, after stuffing his greedy little face.

When I got home he was as good as gold. Cazza looked a bit tired. Funny that.


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