An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Woody Bay Station...

Backblipped 26.07.18
Unfortunately the awful wifi connection at the holiday house put an end to my blipping on the day so and it seems to be catching as since we arrived home, our own wifi connection has been very patchy, so I am playing a very long game of Blip catch up!
So, from my memory (which is as dodgy as the wifi connection!) today David did his usual and got up, grabbed a bite to eat and headed to the driving range for an hour whilst I had a lovely, leisurely start to the day. 
Last week Alan went on a steam train with Ally and really loved it.  He was keen to go back and to our surprise and delight, he said we could join him and Christine.
We set off after lunch to Woody Bay train station, which was only about 20 minutes away.  The station and a steam engine and carriages originally built in 1911 as well as a mile of train track, have been lovingly restored.  There’s a gift shop and a marquee selling lovely lunches and of course amazing Devon Cream teas.
When we arrived, the train was getting ready to let passengers embark.  The Station Master and Guard came over and chatted to us and just like Ally’s experience last week, they couldn’t do enough to help with Alan to make sure he got into a carriage safely and could see out of the window. 
Christine and I got into the carriage first (not easy for me as there was a rather large step up and my left knee has been achey ever since clambering in) then David got Alan up the ramp (which with hindsight I should have walked up) and we were in. 
The track only runs a short distance but there are plans afoot to extend the length and perhaps offer a service between towns.  (Information here)  It was really exciting as the steam came gushing out the engine and the guard blew his whistle (which made Alan jump then he couldn’t stop laughing) and we were off, looking out over some beautiful Devon countryside to the Bristol Channel and the Gower Peninsula beyond.  We were in the carriage beside the Guard’s van and we could hear him laughing as we sang (probably louder than we realized) the theme tune to Thomas the Tank engine then Casey Jones. 
All too soon we had reached the end of the track and we waited as the engine was uncoupled from the front of the carriages, the points changed to allow the engine to change to the other track and we watched it puff past our carriage (see extra) to be recoupled to the other end of the carriages before pulling us majestically back to the little staion.
Once safely off the Station Master asked Alan if he enjoyed the trip (extra)  I think that smile is a definite yes.

We headed into the marquee and after saying we were just going to have a coffee, we ordered (Christine included) Devon Cream Teas.  I have a photo of Christine taking her first bite of the scone, which clearly demonstrates her enjoyment, but she won’t let me blip it.
From there we headed to Lynton and Lynmouth for a short while then back to the Barn for dinner and a relaxing evening. 

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