
A morning at EPCOT - the park that's a little bit more chilled than the others. Less rides, but more atmosphere I reckon. And as I sat out in the sun with my flat white and cinnamon bun for breakfast I tried hard to not think *too* much about what time we'd have to leave to get back for the England Croatia game.

But home in time for lunch (shrimp salad and a Corona, we're on the dining plan which means we get free meal and snack credits each day, and being 'The French Quarter' there's all kinds of stuff on offer that I want to try - not much gumbo or catfish knocking around my manor funnily enough) before the match even kicked off - result! Well, when I say 'result'......not quite what I was hoping for but as the American commentator said about the Croatian players - "The legs these guys have got, they should be in the Tour De France!" And I knew what he meant, they just seemed to get stronger and stronger. No complaints, just disappointment.

I also caught a bit of the news and weather. Band name coming up misterprime! It's hurricane season and they're up to 'C' in the alphabet so they were tracking the progress of Hurricane Chris. And, although the east coast may soon be feeling the effects of Chris, those in Puerto Rico may be still be's coming, it's coming.....remnants of Beryl.

Now - 'Remnants Of Beryl' - is that a fantastic name for a band or is that a fantastic name for a band. It's rhetorical, my children agreed with me that it was indeed AFNFAB which is proof enough for me. But which genre? Maybe some slacker type Pavement vibe going on? Late 80s grebo? Literary-loving types like The Go-Betweens with a couple of Peel Sessions under their belt?

I digress...

Hollywood Studios in the evening for Toy Story-themed rides for me and scarier-type stuff for the young 'uns. And then I sat out at midnight by this fountain in the garden opposite our room to gaze into the night whilst the day's Tour De France podcast filtered into my ear.

Remnants Of Beryl might also sound like this

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