Life on the Mothership!

By TheMothership

I am almost there!

It has been a marathon but so much easier with both fish away!  I could start and not stop until I'd finished.  Normally I have to clear everything to get wheelchair through during the marathon, but this time I could put all things in piles on living room floor then carry them out when needed until they'd all been stuffed somewhere!
Summer School rang to say Big F had serious choke with vomit and phlegm and everything.  I explained that the hot weather is drying him up and making the secretions thicker and harder to move but no they wanted to take him to emergency Dr's appt. which they did.  Nothing wrong, just the hot weather making his secretions dry up.  There was a suggestion from the lead teacher from school that this wasn't normal for Big F.  I have just sat in endless meetings with her present explaining the severity of his choking to his future placements.  Because she hadn't seen it herself (ground floor staff do all the suctioning and caring) she obviously hadn't believed me when I said I was coping with this all the time.  On a positive note though I reckon school will send Big Fish with a suction competent member of staff up to college with him in September until everyone there is sure they can cope with his suctioning needs by experience!!!!
Twisty is enjoying biking.

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