Thank you for your kind, supportive words on yesterday's blip, as well as the generous sharing of stars and hearts. I don't feel courageous or heroic. I do hope that I can inspire others to come to terms with issues of mental health and addiction (except the addiction to Blipfoto). It's an important discussion to have and even more importantly, for those who need help to reach out to a friend, loved one or doctor. But not everyone who needs it, seeks it; therefore, it is incumbent upon all of us to watch for signs in those we love and to support and encourage them.
Sadly, other than my therapist, I have no support system. Please, if you know someone struggling with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, OCD, addictions, etc, be there for them. You don't even have to "know what to say." Just be there.
Thank you to the Blipfoto community for being there for me.
Now, let's welcome the sun shine upon a new day. xx
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