The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Back To My Boy

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We returned home today. Travelling went smoothly and on time which was great. We were all VERY excited when Mary Doll and Victor brought Murphy back. He has been staying with them while we have been on holiday and decided that they would LOVE to get up at 5 am. Every day!

Mary Doll and Victor were complete stars and had done some food shopping and made us something for dinner. We decided to keep it for tomorrow as we didn’t have much of an appetite after opening an early birthday package which had arrived for The Eldest Mini Princess! The utter joy of the first proper cup of tea in 10 days* combined with (several) Toffeepops.

Thank you O’h dear. She was delighted and the rest of the Normals are under strict instructions not to pig out on HER present. Guilt will make me comply but I may have to hide them from The Prince as he has NO willpower whatsoever with anything sweet. In fairness, it is worryingly easy to get through a whole packet in one sitting. The only drawback is having to waddle to the kettle to make more tea to wash them down.

Murphy is also very happy with his doggy biscuits. It makes up for the lack of sausage naan deliveries!


*I know. I am such a Brit but tea abroad just doesn’t taste right!

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