
We left home just before 0700 for our drive south for the weekend.  Not a bad trip considering some of the road works and we arrived in High Wycombe late morning.  In the afternoon we met my brother at the nursing home where Dad is going to be for the next few weeks while he recovers from his broken collarbone.

The manager and staff at the home are all lovely and I admire their dedication to their clients.  Both my brother and I were upset that we had reached this point with Dad.  Although it was long overdue and very necessary, it still is difficult to accept that they are now needing constant care.  

We sat in the garden there with Dad and had tea - really nice and peaceful.   I hope that as he settles in and recovers over the next few weeks he will be able to see the advantages of being there.

I am so glad that he is safer there and being looked after.  I feel much lighter than for some time.  Let's hope the recovery goes well.

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