Remembrance Day
November 11th is the day we honour those who have given their lives for the ideals of their culture.
I always think of my father who served in WWII. He was on the force that invaded Sicily. A pacifist, he made a point of being a bad shot during training. Dad became a mechanic during the war, but he certainly had some entertaining moments behind the fighting lines.
The best part was after the war ended he found himself in a little town in the Netherlands where he met my mother. In 1948 Mom emigrated to Canada to and they married. It was a life-long romance. Dad died in 2001 but Mom is still soldiering on!
Dad was an active Legion member concerned with the well-being of other Veterans. I never heard him say a bad word about anyone. He was a saint. I was so lucky to have him as a father!
More Remembrance Day images.
Photo of Dad & Mom
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