Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Another Pup

Last night from our bedroom we could hear a seal pup calling ... they sound so forlorn.  Late morning when we went down to the dock to row, we heard her and there she comes (I don’t really know if it’s he or she, just choosing..) swimming over to the dock where H is about to launch the alden..she sits out of the water on the beam under the dock. (extra)  He shooed her away but she was back when he returned and he had to shoo her away so he could get the boat in..she seemed to want to get in the boat. she kept hanging around and then swam around to hang on the the line holding our grey float to our dock.  I nudged her off but back she came.   OH DEAR… this doesn’t bode well!!    She couldn’t get up on the float, but I’m worried there will be another dead seal under the dock.

I’ve probably told this before on blip ..In 1999 we had a plywood float on logs and a baby smaller than this one got up on it…I was here alone and I kept watching for Mom and nudging it into the water but after couple days there it was still on my float looking very skinny, (I really didn’t want it to die on my dock!), so I called the Wildlife Center on Saltspring Island and they said bring it..I put it in a cardboard box and took it in the tin boat (it was July 20) to Saltspring where someone met me at the dock…they rehabilitated had a small wound, was a premie and probably abandoned, they called it “bonzai” as it was small —16 lbs…and I kept in touch and in October they were ready to release it  when we happened t be here so we cruised up to a beach on SS and I got to let it go, at 65 lbs  with 2 other pals…they swam around in circles (like they were used to in their pool) .     End of that story altho we kept thinking we saw Bonsai back here.   (they can live  25-35 years)

But now I think it’s better to let nature take it’s course.   ( sort of like not needing yo save every tree!) Hard to watch this little one tho. (other extra)  Still there at corner of float late afternoon..this is the blip.  she's eating the seaweed on the float.   but she looks bigger and not a premie... maybe she will make it ...

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