Humans are rubbish


A morning of lots of yucky but necessary jobs. When it got too hot and sweaty I went and swam a mile at Penrith more as a stretch and meditation than anything else.
Back home I started on the more fun garden jobs, and was even rewarded with some company from pooch - a rare thing nowadays. Eventually I thought we'd walk to a favourite place and see if she wanted a paddle in the beck & I could find a blip.

We'll I found a picture, but I've made it the extra as it's so unpleasant and gruesome, and it somewhat soured the whole day.
A little ways down the beck I came upon the awful sight of a once beautiful Tawny Owl hanging dead from the low branches of a tree, entangled in, and strangled by, a black bin bag. We hear the owls all the time in the wood, but I never thought to see one this way, effectively killed by the thoughtlessness of that very worst of species, us.
Tommorow I'll go back and cut her down and give her some final dignity. 

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