Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Wicked Man

Evening all,

i seem to be collecting a series of 'low light' photographs in November, still i suppose its the season for it, isn't it.

Anyway, today was a 'field trip' to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park with the camera people to have a bit of an on site tutorial.

Once i'd managed to work out the highly confusing car park payment insructions and had a mild early morning contretemps with a man about where i could or couldn't stand to take a photo, i have to say my enthusiasm had waned somewhat.

I had a bit of a mooch around kicking metaphorical pebbles with my shoe in that sulky adolescent mode that i seem to have drifted into of late, then gave myself a stern talking to, took some photos and came home again.

Excluding this photo, i managed photos of rabbits, ducks, geese, sheep,people a bird house, the corner of a building and some reflections on the water.

So that'll be no photos of sculptures at the sculpture park then....oops, i'll be in trouble with someone.

night all


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