the blink of an eye

By weedave

simple silence

today was a bit like yesterday, full of contemplation but this time there was more feeling of frienship, common values and dare I say it pride

I got up sharp, pressed shirt , neckie and the part of my kilt that crumples when hung for a while ,polished my shoes . then got ready. off to the church for the remeberance day service .

now I am not a religious man so there is always the slight trepidation of a lightening bolt as i cross the threshold of a church, luckily it never happened today

I was greeted by the almost uncanny sight of most of my explorers ( a usually scruffy lot ) all in their nice clean and pressed uniforms and smart trousers ( well the girls were in skirts ) , this gave me a real sense of pride as to be honest I was only expecting a couple to turn up !!!

the service took its usual course and brought to mind those that had given the ultimate sacrifice for their home and country ...the two minute silience was only interupted by the mumblings of a toddler... ah the joys of innocent youth !!

from there of the local war memorial to lay the wreaths and have another small service , all went well there and for some reason the chill wind and the fact I was in a kilt did not bother me as I admit to loosing myself in thoughts of those no longer with us

all fnished there and up to my leaders house for soup and a good blether..( yes I know thats not like me on both counts )... home to quickly wash the floors and start the dinner as friends were popping over for a quick catch up... finally a nice hot home made dinner around the kitchen table..nice to sit at atable from time to time

weather cold and dark, and having the fire on makes going outside ( unless for firewood )a real thought so internal pic..thought simple was best

no "enjoy" today instead just "remember "

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