Images of Prague (2)

By day 2 we are starting to feel that we know our way around. The city is steeped in history. Just across the road from us is the church where 6 members of the Czech resistance hid whilst being hunted after they had killed the German Reich Protector of Bohemia, Reinhard Hendrich who had been given overall control,of the holocaust. Two of their number, Gubcuk and Kubis had been a part of the Czech army in the U.K. , had trained at Ringway near Manchester and flew out from Tangmere near Chichester to be parachuted down near Prague. After they had killed Hendrich they went into hiding in this church with 4 comrades, but after an informant had given their position away they were surrounded. In the face of water and tear gas being introduced, they committed suicide. The reprisals were savage, with whole villages destroyed and their inhabitants killed because of alleged complicity.

Prague has a large number of churches, with many different branches of Christianity. During the communist period Christianity was effectively banned, and we were told that the numbers using the churches is still very low. In another small church near us, we were lucky enough to hear a recital by the violinist and composer Vaclav Navrat.

Before that we enjoyed wandering around, and extras show statues at the square by the new National Theatre (one shows visitors taking selfies with Marilyn Monroe), and a view of the castle from another excellent vegan restaurant.

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