
By TBay

Gardening Rusty style!

Today the clean up of Mrs V’s garden has continued. Once again Rusty got behind the digger controls and really got to grips with removing the mounds of rubble and rubbish from the garden. Boy was there a lot of rubbish from times long past. Our treasure trove included an EPNS bent fork, and several bottles in tact which Rusty has taken home as he collects them. So far no gold coins. :-(.

A job long overdue which was halted in its tracks the day before due to the presence of a large ferocious wasps nest! The pest controller we use came out and dealt with it within a couple of hours, but after that we had to leave it for a few hours so half a day was lost to the wasps!

So today was catch up time and Rusty and Mr Tbay did do very well. The garden is beginning to look so much better now. Mrs V was very impressed!

Farming - Two on mushroom compost hauling. Rusty on digger duties.

Book work for me. I am still on catch up but nearly there!

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