twinned with trumpton


Forecast wiz rain; but there were gaps too.

I did as instructed and lay in bed whilst she shuffled about and went off to work; and as soon as she left I made tea, did dishes and promptly followed suite. 

To Princes Street; a coffee, some essential boys clothes for their imminent arrival, and a look for trainers for G. Grey so it wiz, but not actually raining. 

As I'd lain in bed, I'd flicked through instagram and looked at Cigs photos; there was one at Joppa that I hadn't blipped so rather than go home, I avoided domesticity and headed off there to see - success! And lo! Another success 200 yards up the road. Double bonus Cigs day.

Got clobbered by an Amazon delivery driver in a transit on Porty High Street; he pulled across the road having been parked on the wrong side; I was right in his blind spot, no indicators and although I saw it, couldn't avoid a low level collison; I stayed upright, but he had no idea he'd hit me. He shot off down a side street; I followed him, showed him the black tyre mark on his van I'd left there. Had no idea, was apologetic. I said next time don't apologise, take more care instead. I'm sure my partner and kids wold appreciate that.

Pouring down by this time so off I went; more buffonery on the roads; and in for a hot shower and an afternoon of half an eye on the TDF; alongside prep for the boys on Saturday.

I hit town at 5.30; armed with lamb in a harissa / mint marinade; served with roasted pappers and cucumber / mint thingy; a continuation of a long talk. That will last for a week or two more, I reckon. It needs to.

G returned / we had monkfish tails a la Persiana book; LI (not really, more on than actually watching) before descending through town at pace and home. 

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