Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


Today’s picture is of Polo, the mother of my Florence and Dougal and Victoria’s cat. It was taken through the conservatory door, as she would move if I had opened it to get a better picture. I was going to use Sybil, the first-born or the litter and had already taken pictures of her, when Polo decided to put in an appearance; Sybil will appear another day.
Some while ago I purchased some special food bowls for Dougal and Florence so that they could only eat the food designated for them; both were getting too heavy. At today’s weight-in Florence has lost 0.8 of a kilo and Dougal has lost a full kilo; the bowls were well worth the money. They are now at about the weight I want them to be and both look much slimmer although Dougal keeps getting knots in his fur and is not keen to have them removed.

I spent the morning sorting paperwork, where does it all come from? Then this afternoon I have been looking a one of my cookbooks.

Still no rain and their garden looks just the same as mine and many hundreds of others around the country.

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