..Filipendula ulmaria
Someone asked if I'd blip some meadowsweet, so here it is, complete with insect and a backing group of reed and purple loosestrife spears. Just right for FlowerFriday, I thought, as well as WFW06.
We've had some lovely sun today, but also a lot of cloud. The cloud hasn't made it any cooler and the forecast possible rain seems unlikely to materialise. Dang!
It's funny, some days, how little there is to report. So instead I thought you might like this by the 19th century Irish poet, William Allingham:
Through grass, through amber'd cornfields, our slow Stream--
Fringed with its flags and reeds and rushes tall,
And Meadowsweet, the chosen of them all
By wandering children, yellow as the cream
Of those great cows--winds on as in a dream
By mill and footbridge, hamlet old and small
(Red roofs, gray tower), and sees the sunset gleam
On mullion'd windows of an ivied Hall.
There, once upon a time, the heavy King
Trod out its perfume from the Meadowsweet,
Strown like a woman's love beneath his feet,
In stately dance or jovial banqueting,
When all was new; and in its wayfaring
Our Streamlet curved, as now, through grass and wheat.
'Meadowsweet' by William Allingham
Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting FlowerFriday.
And have a happy weekend xx
A list of my blipped 2018 wildflowers to date:
Gorse (or furze); Wild daffodils
Coltsfoot; Primroses; Blackthorn
Greater periwinkle; Goat willow; Ground ivy; Cowslips; Daisy;
Common field speedwell; Wood anemone; Greater celandine
Cuckoo flower (or lady’s smock); Yellow archangel; Common dog violet;
Crab apple; Bluebell; Red clover; Germander speedwell;
Three-cornered leek; Hawthorn; Yellow flag; Dandelion; Common vetch; Dog rose; Green alkanet;
Bramble; Stinking iris; Dropwort; Meadow buttercup; Sweet briar; Red campion; Butterfly orchid; Poppies; Nettle; Birdsfoot trefoil; Meadow cranesbill; Sainfoin;
Musk mallow; Field Scabious; Ragwort; Rosebay willowherb; purple loosestrife; teasel; meadowsweet;
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