
By Doingok

Pure Love

This week was Josie's first back to work after having Na'iema so we are figuring out a work and baby care pattern that works for all.  There are challenges for everyone but we're working on making them work.  Logan is home on Fridays and so he will be involved too.  Logan was always a sweet and sensitive guy, he adored his older sister and though she never really had much time to give him, he was someone she admired and respected.   As we approach the six year anniversary of her transition, I think the loss hit him harder in the last 2 years than it did in the first 4.  But he's working through it, he's using it to write creatively and hoping that it will take him to something he loves.  In the meantime seeing him grow and mature and be a "dad" is so gratifying.  Capturing this moment reminds me how special it all is.  

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