Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Over the Hills ....

but not very far away, just to Hawick, to the dentist, where Hazel the Hygenist did  a very thorough job of scaling and polishing.  She's lovely, but I always find it an ordeal. I have tickly gums. She puts on loads of numbing gel but even so I find it hard to sit still.  

I took this shot of the harvest fields of the Teviot valley and the Eildon Hills on our way home.

After lunch we headed just out of town to do a guided tour of Ferniehirst Castle. (Extra) It's very interesting, as the history of the Kerrs of Ferniehirst is very much bound up with the town of Jedburgh, but also with Scottish and British politics down the centuries.  The current owner is the former Conservative minister, Michael Ancram, now known by his hereditary title of the 13th Marquis of Lothian.

So now we know what he has for breakfast (the kitchen is not all medieval).  The room I really envied was the library, a tiny wood-lined octagonal room in a turret. But it would probably be very chilly in the winter ......

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