An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Celebratory Sunday Roast...

Backblipped 11.11.12

Celebrating the first anniversary of when we got THE KEYS to this house!

I cannot it believe it's a year since that day. A whole year gone in the blink of an eye! Even harder to believe it's almost 6 months since we finally got to move in. That literally feels like moments ago.

And at last I feel I am getting to grips with the AGA. It's become my friend rather than that big scary hot monster in the kitchen! :))

As well as a Sunday roast a rareity in this house I also made a banana loaf. OMG it is delish! Never thought I would be able to beat my mum's banana loaf but I must admit....this one was even better very close! I'm sure I felt her beside me guiding me as I mixed away happily.

Other exciting thing that happened today was the sofa bed for the carer's room arrived. So, looking ahead, we now at last have a perfect self contained lounge-come bedroom-come kitchen with an-ensuite shower room and loo for carers who will help us look after Alan in the future. :-))

In not so good news the screen on my laptop has not recovered from having the lid closed while there was a pen sitting on the keyboard. My own stupid fault! D taking it to a little computer shop he knows. Hoping to won't be too expensive to fix. It's only been one day with it not working and I feel as though my right arm's been cut off! Hmph!

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