The Story of a Hole.

Well... first of all there was a hole in the road. I know not whence it came nor why. BUT... some one (unknown to me but herein referred to as person #1) saw this hole in the road and reported it to some one else (also unknown to me but herein referred to as person #2). Person #2 must have decided that this hole in the road should 'cease to exist*' and sent 11 men with shovels and 3 supervisors to cease said hole.

The 3 supervisors must have decided that in order for the hole to cease to exist, something must be placed inside the hole by the 11 men with shovels. Enter (from stage right) a front end loader with a full bucket of what looks like debris from a building site. Enter (from stage left) 9 more men pushing a strange looking cart that looks like it should have a horse (but doesn't) which is weighed down with umpteen bags of sand and cement.

Enter also 3 men with sledge hammers (from left or right cause I didn't see) who proceed to break apart the larger pieces of building debris and on to centre stage come the 11 men with shovels to put the debris (now in shovellable sized pieces), sand and cement into the (soon to cease to exist) hole.

So the enetertainment for the 19 men and 1 woman who had stopped to watch the hole cease to exist was finally completed when a large metal plate was placed on the ceased hole maybe as some type of wierd Chinese headstone.. who knows.. Congratulations to person #1 for their observance and their abuility to get so many people involved and active for a few hours.

But I got my blip.. Sorry about the focus.. damn tree

*Monty Python's Parrot Sketch

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