
By Mindseye

You are my sunshine

Set the alarm as I had an early appointment in Manchester this morning .........need not have bothered, wide awake at 7!!! Anyone would think I was excited to go to the Dentist!!

Traffic was slow, dentist was even slower...... then to M&S, didnt have what I wanted, so that was a waste of time. Went to see Sis, we had to stay in a while as she was waiitng for a delivery before she and Kobi go off on a little holiday in their Motorhome tomorrow, with friends, Eurostar here they come.....!!

We had a sandwich for lunch, did a little shopping in Sainsburys, treated myself to a bottle of Pink Grapefruit Gin, as the one youngest and DiL bought me has almost gone :-0

Left sis's about 3.45..... a long old trip home, took me an hour and half :-/ I think some of the schools have finished for the summer now, so no doubt everywhere will be busy for the next six weeks :-/

The weather today has been warm but not overly sunny........stopped off along the canal quickly evening for todays blip. I noticed all the lilies starting to emerge above the water at the weekend, but none were open, thankfully some of them are now, looking like a little sunshine dont you think :-)

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