My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


Can you tell where our soakaway is? The hot, dry weather really shows it up. The square is completely barren now - bare earth in places.

I feel like I haven’t stopped today.

It was a really sad start to the day. I took Leo down to the vet to make the necessary arrangements. It was very emotional. I gave him a stroke on behalf of my parents - he looked so peaceful with not a scratch on him after being hit by a car yesterday afternoon. Goodnight Leo, rest in peace sweet boy.

L and I went swimming as usual on a Wednesday which was a good distraction. We went out with the swimming group for lunch and then L refused to have her usual nap afterwards. Been a long and, at times, grumpy afternoon.

N’s back is a little better today, having woken up unable to move without nearly passing out yesterday morning.

What a couple of days!

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