Mini Adventure
Abandoned by our family - boys at the football and Ky away on the train with her friends to go ice skating, a little nervous about that but with no cause. Coco and I climbed into the car and headed off to climb a hill. Drove along the narrowest, windiest road I've ever encountered - it would have been quite good fun if not for the fact I was seriously panicking about what to do if I meet something coming the other way. There is no proper car park for the walk we were going to do and everyone else had the same idea as us on a dry Saturday afternoon so there was no where to park safely! Drove back down narrow road - enjoying it slightly more as I was the only one out driving! An alternative walk around Wallaces Monument was just as much fun and wore Coco out as I didn't hear anything from her once we got home - I even had to wake her for her dinner, unheard of!
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