Gladioli (Day 1168)

It has been a busy day. I zoomed off to town to do a little job, but the customer wanted a couple of toilets changed too. 
As is always the way with these things, one of the loos took several hours and the other one was done in a little over an hour. 
Driving home, the very dark sky threatened rain, putting my plan to cut the grass in jeopardy. The grass has been growing at an alarming rate over the last few days and it was just dry enough to cut this evening. Another day of growth would have made it very difficult to cut. 
Having cut the lawn and still blipless, I fiddled around with the macro lens and the gladioli in the kitchen.
After so long having her home every night, it is a bit strange being without my beautiful wife tonight. The dogs will sulk until she comes home from work tomorrow.

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