Transition day
Carys left the house just before 8 this morning and headed to HGS for Transition day. She should have been walking with girls from school but she wanted to go the way she will go in September and when this was suggested things got a little unpleasant so she did the sensible thing and went on her own.
Will and I walked to school together and it was very pleasant without him winding up his sister! After school I took him to have his hair cut as it was a little shaggy in this heat.
It all got a little complicated after that but basically, I went to HGS for the parents transition. Very happy as I managed to speak to C's form tutor, Head of Year and Head of PE about various things. I feel that at present they are supportive of C and her dancing. Fingers crossed it continues. C went to the Intermediate class at ballet and Jim collected her. Will went to Cubs and I collected him on my way back from HGS.
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