Joie de Vivre

I was very moved by the Remembrance Day Service from The Cenotaph this morning. And many of the tributes on Blip have also drawn some tears.

In particular, that of the Lady Findhorn

It makes me realise just how lucky I am.
I started the morning with a blissful swim - outdoor pool, beautifully warm, under a clear blue sky.
I put some washing in - and an hour later, with no real exertion from me, it was done.
I got into my car and drove up to Castle Ring, where I could walk round in glorious sunshine and appreciate the views and chat to others doing the same. My photo is of a particularly happy and energetic family, with the kids bounding along, glad to be alive.

Today has been a real antidote to feeling sorry for oneself.

More about Castle Ring
Castle Ring, according to Wikipedia

Castle Ring is an Iron Age hill fort, situated high up on the southern edge of Cannock Chase, Staffordshire, in the village of Cannock Wood, England. Castle Ring was thought to have been occupied around AD 50, by the Celtic Cornovii tribe.

Apart from the perimeter earthworks, little remains visible. However, there is also evidence of farming having taken place at some point, since parts of the ground in the ring have been ploughed but there is still some debate as to whether these were created by the Medieval hunters( who also built a hunting lodge on the ring sometime in the Medieval period - the remains of this are still visible today) or the Celtic tribe.

It is situated north of Burntwood and adjacent to the Heart of England Way. There are excellent views over Cannock Chase, the Trent Valley and Staffordshire.

It is the highest point on Cannock Chase with an elevation of 244 metres (800 feet). It also lies on the Heart of England Way.

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