Daunti's world

By daunti

Cranky moon?

Went out to play with the moon last night. Anyone who knows me knows my love for the moon. I don’t know when it happened or why it happened, I just know I fell deeply in love with the moon. I think crescent moons are my favorite. Anyway when I was looking through my shots last night I saw a cranky face. Can you see it? I usually see some kind of face on the moon, but see the eyes, nose and a cranky expression on the moons
faces. It made me smile :). We all have a bad day or night here or there.

Happy New Day, an expression that I stole from a friend. Three little simple words that could mean a lot in ones day.

So happy new day moon, I’ll see you tonight, hope you are feeling better ...

In the skies of Melbourne Beach, Florida

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