I went to...

...open the curtains and there was this brand new perfect Peacock Butterfly trying to get out.

But I wanted a photo of him first.

After a minute I was about to give up, he just wanted to be outside in the sun.

Then suddenly he settled on the corner of a brown cardboard box. But it had all my post-it notes on. Beggars can’t be choosers...he was posing for me so I grabbed the iPad and took over a hundred photos of him as he was turning and cleaning himself and showing his wings in all possible positions.

Then he flew to the door again. So I put the iPad down and unlocked the door into the garden. He has been around all day in the garden.

So, what to do with an ugly cardboard box and my post-it notes with my writing on?

I put it in Snapseed and used the healing tool to distort the ugly things in the photo, so the focus is on the butterfly, and I created this, which I am quite happy with.

Maybe I will paint tomorrow...

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