A story to tell

I'd love to know what the carvings on Mum's camphor wood box mean. This is part of the main one on the lid.

The figures and boats suggest a leaving, a departure, maybe to sail to a new land, or to have an adventure.

Maybe it was symbolic for Dad. When he bought it for Mum approximately 70 years ago he was a ships engineer based in Hong Kong.

Dad left NZ at a time when it was less common for young men to leave NZ and have an adventure. He loved the sea and I'm sure that the Chinese junks and sea/river reminded him of the sights he saw.

On the good side of Saturday's ledger the house is clean and I got a couple of outstanding emails completed. Spin class was brutal. I'm undecided if I enjoy them because they really are full on. But I appreciate the mental battle.

On less good side of the ledger my bbq remains without a working ignitor. I think I've put it back together correctly again. There is gas, the clicking sound the ignitor makes but no flame. Maybe the part is incorrect or maybe I've missed something.

I've put it aside for now. One of my colleagues trained as a gas fitter and I'll ask him about it.

Today's gratitude: For the camphor wood box. It's full of memories of Mum and Dad. I treasure it.

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