Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Peas at last

(With apologies to Jill Murphy)
I don't know what happened to my sweet peas this year I was beginning to give up on them.... In fact I planted a grow bag full of extra plants last month I was so concerned they weren't going to flower. But here they are, as splendid and scented as ever, just a little later. I wonder how long they'll last, last year it was well into October I think.
Last year I found a particularly good scented variety which a friend sowed for me this year as I was in India, 'Incense Mix', they have cream flowers with a delicate purple edge to them and smell amazing.
The rose in the background is a standard, Tickled Pink, one of a pair which our daughters gave us for our ruby wedding 3 years ago, they came in pots, one of which now has the sweet peas in it!

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