Vertical farm

A glimpse to future: vertical plant farming Pilar in the middle of the capture.

We visited again in Hiedanranta area to see new murals newly painted. Stunning art, really, many new murals. Me, my son and daughter did buy some ice-creams and had a nice evening walk there.

Lot of people relaxing in the park nearby, sitting under trees. It has been lost +30c today. A hot day turning to a warm evening.

I am thrilled about my found here.

The vertical farming is said to be a future way to solve the food production problems. The Evergreen farm is making Pilar - kind of system and has even got the 2018 award of the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture (GFIA)!!!

A short video about the idea here:
Of course there is plenty of other similar kind of farming systems. Great inventions!


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