
By Mindseye

White whirl

Been sleeping pretty well as it has been a little cooller....:-)

We walked into town this morning, didnt even have a cuppa before we left, as we decided to treat ourselves to brunch in Reds.....all very nice, but I couldnt finish mine :-/

A lovely walk back in the sunshine, before we picked up the car and took ourselves off to watch Emily in her end of term Stage School show, which was very entertaining :-) I didn't take my camera, as last year I missed half of it through taking photos, so was determined to watch this time :-) I did slip away half way through the show to take daughter to the train station. Dad and Grandad stayed behind of course. I made it back for the finale in 14 minutes ;-)

We got home just in time for Englands kick off.....pretty average performance, imho, didnt deserve to win, Belgium were much better!

Afterwards we spent a couple of hours just sitting in the garden, the sun was a lovely temperature, with a glass of wine of course :-)
I had my camera on the table so I could find a blip, didnt have to move from my lounger, as I spotted this geranium in the planter right beside me, I just love the little petal still tightly furled......

We've had slow roasted duck leg in a thai red curry and jasmice rice for dinner, followed, much later, by homemade gooseberry crumble and creme fraiche.

Now to chill, happy weekend folks :-)

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