
Main photo: Krista and Kalyn at Ruby's Beach with a glimpse of Mt. Baker in the distance on the right.
Extra: Kalyn and I in the waves.  My hat kept falling off and Krista caught this one.  A bit out of focus but it makes me laugh!  
The girls arrived on schedule!  So excited to have both here at the same time because that hasn't happened for a couple of years.  First stop?  Barb's Buns for cheese sticks, of course!  We picked up a few groceries before heading home, and when we saw how low the tide was, we knew we had to go to the beach.  They decided on Ruby's Beach.  It was perfect.  A walk along the stretch of sand, some jumping in the tiny waves from the ferry's wake, and a relax in the sun enjoying the view.  We came home and sat in the garden.  Kalyn, of course, wanted to play Crib and she beat me twice.  I'm going to have to up my game.  Krista enjoyed just sitting relaxing.  We went for dinner.  Auntie Pesto's of course.  They really like the pasta there.  A little stroll around town then home for another tradition - a Seinfeld episode before bed.
It's early morning Saturday as I type and I'm the only one up, so time to post this.  We're going to the market today.  G's in a golf tournament followed by a dinner, and he managed to get tickets for the girls to come with us.  

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