Welcome to Scotland.....

A bit of a busy morning. Rain forecast so sent Kev to row up the field of hay next door and got it all baled by lunch time - 115 4 ft bales of nice green hay ( if it doesn’t heat ! )
Went down the road to check the cattle. One cow was off colour yesterday- the flies are chewing her teats despite being done with fly repellent and having garlic feed blocks in the field. Looks like she is starting mastitis so managed to get some pen strep into her with the injection pole. Basically a spring loaded syringe on a long stick that you can sneak up and jab them with. The first 10 ml is ok but they need 20 and they know what is coming with the second one !
Junior back from his holiday in Florida with his pal and family - must be jet lagged cos he’s spent all day in bed then surfaced tonight ! Or maybe he’s just a teenager !
Mr Trump has arrived to as much protest in Scotland as elsewhere . Personally I wouldn’t go to the end of the yard to see him , think he is a clown .
Spotted this model of him in a shop in Victoria Street when we were in town last weekend . A Blip cheat, but you get the idea

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