Flower Friday 13_2018 - Hydrangea

Earlier this year T bought a small hydrangea plant from the garden centre, but, unfortunately two of the neighbouring cats decided to use that part of the garden for a stand up fight.  As a result the poor little hydrangea was trampled to death. T hasn't stopped going on about it since.  This morning at the garden centre again ( I always say we could put the car in gear and it would go to either the garden centre or the hospital) I spotted this lovely hydrangea and persuaded him to spend a bit extra and get a well established plant.  It goes against the grain as he likes to get small plants and grow them on himself.  So this is the plant, for once wiser counsel (me) prevailed.
Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting this lovely challenge, even with all that is going on in her life at the moment.

Many, many thanks to all of you lovely people who helped my Red Admiral from Wednesday to fly onto the popular pages.  

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