
I hung around the Arezzo Renault concession-stuck out on a new industrial park- while they fitted the new headlights. Had a long chat with a rather strange but nice guy. Photo of marble works at back of lot.

Passed by the motor registration and although out of hours the woman I’ve been dealing with saw me at the open window and told me the tax returns were fine - no VAT to pay. She let me in the main entrance and checked the headlight invoice from Renault met their requirements. It did. She says she’ll have the reg plates ready tomorrow!

Meanwhile two gits tried to scam the Boss last night as she drove home late in Florence. Claimed she’d hit their car. Wanted to march her to a cash point. Utter heartless bastards. She gave them the slip but very shaken. Happened to me last year on Pisa road. Utter heartless bastard that one too. Irony was the gits claimed to be from Arezzo.

Reminds me of Sheffield allotment holder advising me that if I ever felt like shouting at the kids responsible for petty vandalism to make sure I did it standing in someone else’s plot. That way if they took revenge they’d stone someone else’s glass house and not my own. (Not that I had one nor did I ever act on his advice.)

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