The story so far...


Wake up cam, it's Christmas!

Today cj's mummy and daddy invited our nct group round for Christmas pictures. With 5 babies, 7 adults and a cat chaos was sure to be the order of the day and hence mulled wine was called for (just to get us in the Christmas spirit). With a variety of outfits to choose from (Santa, elf, reindeer and Christmas pudding) and lots of sparkly Christmas decorations to entertain the boys the shoot went relatively smoothly. In true Cameron narcoleptic style as soon as it was the time for the big group picture our little elf decided nap time was far more attractive and slept through all the commotion and a groping from Santa and was happy resting on a reindeer's shoulder. Not many people can say they have done that!
We also got a new bunny today to replace poor crumble, he is yet to be named but introductions to biscuit seem to be going well, when he stops humping him that is!

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