The Baw's No Burst!

Well done England (that’s twice this week, I hope it won’t become a habit)! You took your fans on far longer and more exciting journey than anyone had expected and I hope they appreciate your efforts, before the English press get their knives out. 

They’re coming home but football’s not, because here’s a thing……………. it never left! 

Home for the Beautiful Game is not the sole preserve of Wembelee! It’s wherever a ball (or what passes for a ball) is kicked around and dreams are made, be that the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow on Sunday, the Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro or the playground at Woodpark Primary School  at break times between piles of jumpers and jackets for goalposts. 

And that’s why that feckinsong* grates so much! 

Anyhoo there’s a busy weekend ahead, two finals to look forward to (Allez les Bleus and C’mon Rafa)………………..

…..and a very unwelcome guest coming to visit!

*Courtesy of Mr and MrsCBL

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