A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


It didn't occur to me when I wrote the note...

was I being ironic...

or is it an oxymoron?

Talking of morons...

we didnt get snow, we've been open all week, so we weren't criticised ...feel sorry for all the headteachers and Local authority bigwigs who made decisions to close schools, to allow parents to plan ahead, based on information from the Met office forecasters...the weather wasn't as bad as expected, so Headteachers are now apparently "making decisions based upon fears about being sued over health and safety issues, rather than the education of children"

The most bizarre comment I saw (on the BBC site) was that schools should put all of their teachers up in hotels overnight when there is bad weather so that the schools can open, and that it is ridiculous that teachers live far away from their schools. I would love to ask the woman who made that comment about whether it is completely justifiable to keep teachers away from their families by forcing them to stay in hotels so that they can get to work if the weather is extreme? Probably wasn't a teacher, or probably not even a parent who made the comment - probably someone without kids, probably without a job...or maybe I am being harsh. But if my boss suggested that I didn't go home, but stayed in the hotel near school so that I could be there next day if there was serious snowfall, and I couldn't stay in my own bed, in my own home, he'd get told exactly where to go.

Schools - can't do right for doing wrong...lets just scrap the whole education system and leave it for people who don't have anything to do with it to run the education of our nation's children.

Thats the solution. Let the loonies take charge (if they can drag themselves away from Jeremy Kyle and Trisha for a couple of hours a day)

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