
By PlanW

I woke up wondering how I'd feel.  It only took a few seconds to realise I felt perfectly well.  No changes apparent just yet.

I'd booked the day off just in case and because I have a few things to do.  Number one being a very dramatic haircut.  Number two being taking ownership of my new hairy hat (exhibit A above). 

My hair was cut with scissors not the sheep shearers.  It seems you get as close a cut but less harsh.  Whatever.  It looked pretty harsh to me.  I used to have my hair this short in the late 80's, when I had a jawline you could sharpen a knife on.  I'm not so sure I can carry it off now.

Rosin, my new stylist, also cut my new wig to make it look more like me.  Its not bad.

When I got back home I needed to give myself an injection.  I tried, I really tried.  Gary offered to do it but I couldn't let him.  I called my GP surgery to see if the practice nurse could do it.  No nurses on duty today.  Notjing for it but to go back to the oncology unit.  It took 10 seconds and i was on my way.  I'm such a muppet.    

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