Me and the County Fair

Even though it was a little too hot, Merrick and I had a great time at the Oakland County Fair today.

We saw a baby calf that was a day old, 2 goat kids that were also a day old, and baby chicks being born on the hour. So fun to see new life.

Clockwise from the top left corner...he got to ride a fake horse, milk a fake cow, and got spit on by a T-rex. Then, he had a baby piglet under his shirt, had to hold it as a little girl gave it a bottle, rode a dragon on the merry-go-round, and got to sit on a Ford tractor. WHEW!

In between, we had a free Seniors breakfast of pancakes and sausage, and went four rounds of visiting the bottomless glass of chocolate milk booth.

It is 11:25 p.m., and Papa is tired. 8 and a half hours at a fair will do that to you, but it was a good day.

Look at the picture I put in the Extras. Merrick assisted Farmer John with the piglet, but in another part of the show...Farmer John was milking a goat...straight into the mouth of his dog Smudge. I don't care who you are...that there's funny. Night night.

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