MonoMonday Challenge 233 - Sloth
Fun theme by si_b for the month of July - Vices and Virtues
I am very flattered to have been chosen by Si_b for a heart last week for my entry on Diligence. Thank you!!!
The rest of the week sort of crumbled. Productive in some ways but not how I had hoped. The new bike is still on it's back waiting to get tires fitted. I tried to fit some tubeless tires on my own and made no progress with the garage bike pump. The local bike shop was no help either insisting the tires weren't tubeless in an apparent attempt to loose my business and in the name of no time to lend me their air nozzle. I am now waiting for all the bits to arrive to do it on my own. :::))) Everybody needs an air compressor laying around! I'll add that to my truing stand, dish tool and spoke tension meter - and I can become a master wheel builder! ha, always a positive side.
So, a rather weak week. A work problem is still nagging at me and I haven't been able to master the solution yet.
This week I offer the vice of sloth. Laying on my back and looking up at the umbrella waving the fringe gently in the breeze. I could do this for hours...
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