
By asburydan


When I came to the computer to post this photo about midnight, the Internet for our neighborhood was under an upgrade process.  Telephone, cable and Internet were not working.  Anyway, here is a gator from a golf course 10 minutes from my house.  In the extra, I should have changed the aperture to get full focus, but I still find something enchanting about the gator appearing to lurk in the background.  Anyway, the gator was larger than I realized as I walked on a golf green beside where he was enjoying a snooze.  I was actually walking toward a larger gator I had seen from the road, but decided not to keep walking and end up too close to the other one.  I talked to some guys a year ago who were playing golf on this course, and they said they had seen 12 gators and were not finished their round of golf.

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