Although out very early this morning, I could not find much to blip, but I loved this one of Daisy in the grass, it was so lovely and golden in the morning sun. My extras are the sun through the tree and the other one is of the Harris Hawk that was once again down at the care home. The gulls were going mad. Apparently it cannot be let off as the gulls had chicks.
To keep the gull number down the hawk has to come when the gulls have eggs and it frightens the gulls off the eggs, they then get cold and do not hatch. I did feel a little sorry for the gulls as they were trying to protect their chicks. Posting early as off out to friends to meet up with friend's daughter who now lives in London, but is in Glasgow for two nights.
Little Miss Daisy managed to catch a little shew this morning, so that made her day (not mine).
While down at the care home, the doctor told me that poor hubby has lost another five pounds, so they are going to try and find out why, as apparently he is eating really well. Poor man.
Hope you like the blip, and thank you for visiting my journal.
So sorry I don't always comment, but just do not have much time at the moment.
Just added another extra of the dogs on my walk this morning.

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