
By TBay

The Christening.

Well as today draws to a close it is fair to say that the Tbay clan have had a wonderful day at Harry’s Christening.

The day started with sunshine and ended with it, but it has been HOT 32oC ! But despite the heat we all had a wonderful time aided with a lot of water and other beverages!

This is a picture of our most lovely Vicar Matt who once again delivered a wonderful service enjoyed by those with a faith and those without. Just a really joyous accasion. And as you can see from the picture Harry thought the whole event was so funny! In fact Matt comeneted he had never had such a happy baby at a Christening!

Then was back to Farm Tbay for a slap up lunch and general merriment. In fact for some the merriment is still on going! Mr Tbay is busy doing his DJ’ing and the garden is full of laughter and music.

A quite perfect day surrounded by family including Great Granny, Great Aunt and Uncle and many more. The clear up in morning may not be quite such fun I fear!!

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