Swallow Flying School

There were six fledglings and a whole host of adults luring them off the roof of the house. It looked as though there was at least one adult in charge of one youngster and the tweeting and chirruping when they were all airborne was incredible. They swooped and loop de looped, some zooming right over my head. Then they all landed on the roof for a quick breather before doing more of the same. Not very sharp so it has had to have a vintage/noirish treatment but here comes one of the adults to persuade the youngster to leap off!

Grey and muggy here again but the sun suddenly came out at around 4pm and these antics began. There was a fair amount of foxy sunbathing going on too. I did a bit of work in the garden but everywhere is so dry, and I was plagued by horseflies.

Wishing the rescue operation well in Thailand. Incredible bravery and resourcefulness going on.

And thank you for the love for yesterday's blip - funny how a bit of rust can be so attractive!

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