Curling stone

60 million years ago, intense volcanic activity resulted in the 1,100 feet high island called Ailsa Craig - ten miles off the Scottish coast from Girvan.  

A prison in the 18th century, now a peaceful bird sanctuary.   (That is after the widespread infestation of rats from an historic wreck were able to be exterminated.)

Aisle is acknowledged as the best source of granite for producing curling stones.     There are two here that belonged to my father - he didn't curl, but he collected.

President Trump will no doubt  enjoy views of Ailsa Craig during his visit to Trump Turnberry next week.   I just read that a whole area of Intensive Care at the Queen Elizabeth II hospital in Glasgow has been prepared and set aside just in case.    But then his disdain for the NHS leads me to assume that he would decline to use it!

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